Saturday, March 24, 2012
Effectively stopping eyeglass slipping with Keepons
So I got myself some Keepons eyeglasses retainers and that was about two months and boy how my life has changed! It was just the catalyst I needed.
I started eating right too and suddenly once in my life it wasn’t so hard. It was harder on my family and friends because they wanted me to eat with them, restaurants, junk food, and so on.
It’s amazing how big a role food plays in our everyday lives. Not nutrition I mean, just food as social lubricant, food as comfort, food to celebrate, food to console, and sure at first it felt kind of weird but the more people insisted that I could just stop my old habits, the more I wanted to drop them.
It was like I was being healthy to spite them. I’m not sure if it’s happened to you, the people around you don’t want you to change or they give you that look like yeah you’ll revert in a matter of days and be like your old self again, but I’m proud to say that in the last 2 months I’ve lost a total of 21 pounds.
Well not just from eating better but also from exercising. At first I was going to do the same boring old exercises, like run around the block and then I thought nope. Keepons changed my life and gave me a new start and I wasn’t going to waste it.
So you know what I did?
I joined a Parkour group. It’s amazing! Do you know what Parkour is? It’s running all over the city, over obstacles, just all manner of crazy and now it was great because I could run and my glasses wouldn’t slip down my nose. I would sweat like crazy and my glasses wouldn’t slip down my nose. All thanks to Keepons eyewear retainers.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Slipping glasses a thing of the past with Keepons eyewear retainers
And then he read more about it including Schema Therapy and how to deal with Narcissists. Well not deal with it more as how to help them not use the same patterns that they use again and again and stay stuck in a rut.
Darn to heck he thought. I’m not getting any younger and it’s taken me a month to make up my mind about ordering eyeglass retainers.
I am really good for nothing.
What’s the big deal. They only cost $4 and that includes international shipping and tracking.
What’s the most I can lose?
They use PayPal, and I’ve bought off Amazon and eBay with PayPal.
And they use shopify which is a strong Canadian company.
So he went ahead with it, feeling good about not always sitting at the fork in the road.
Man I have problems he thought to himself.
Well in about 10 days those retainers arrived and with shaky hands he put them on his glasses temples. It went on really easy, like putting socks on, and then he placed his glasses back on his head and there.
No slipping. Well not that his glasses slipped and the Keepons pulled them up. But with the Keepons softly hooked half over his ears his glasses didn’t slide forward. That is gravity had no effect on them which was amazing!
$4!!! I should have gotten this a month ago, and he wanted to kick himself.
The next thing he did? Sit down in front of his computer and start planning out the rest of his life. Yup it’s about time. Time is precious and I’ve wasted too much of it. With these Keepons eyewear retainers helping me solve my problem of slipping glasses, it’s like a sign that the most difficult journey begins with a single step. Thanks Keepons.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Glasses used to slip all the time, then I got Keepons eyewear retainers
I have been interested in Keepons eyeglasses retainers for a long time but I’ve never bought anything online. Not even once. The idea intrigues me but I’m always afraid you know, about hackers and people stealing your information and then your money.
But recently I couldn’t take it anymore. My glasses always slip down my face and they do it so often that I can’t stand it anymore. It really bothers me. It seems not a minute goes by and I’m pushing them off the middle of my nose. And that makes me nervous and when I get nervous I start sweating and then my glasses fall more.
I mean it’s already bad enough where I work. Everyone is so good looking. The guys are all handsome and the women look like supermodels. And there’s me, looking dopey as usual. So I finally scrounged up the courage to place the order.
That and I learned that the store which sells Keepons is hosted through and I’ve read a lot of positive things about shopify. They’re big and really legit. Er sorry I mean legitimate. I tend to use slang like that, like a teenager. Also it’s PayPal after all.
I know I’m being overly worrisome but I can’t help it, I get it from my mom. I was raised to be a big worrier.
So after 2 weeks, well not exactly 2 weeks more like 10 days they came in the mail. I was so excited for two reasons. One this was my first online purchase and two, this thing promised to stop my glasses from slipping. Which it did no problem!!!!
WOW, now I’m thinking why have I been so stupid. Why didn’t I order them sooner. I could have saved myself so much suffering from slipping glasses. Now I actually smile and am planning to ask people out. Tonight I’m going shopping for new clothes. Thanks Keepons!
Friday, March 16, 2012
Glasses slip and Keepons prevent them from slipping
Your parents aren’t getting any younger and when you think back at everything they’ve done for you, all the sacrifices they’ve made for you, all the patience and kindness and nurturing they’ve provided all these years, a tear comes to your eye and your heart swells with sadness that one day…
So you do everything in your power to make life better for them now that life is easier for you. You’ve got a good job as a result of your good education, which your parents provided of course. And you have a good head on your shoulders. Every months when you get paid, a portion goes to savings, a portion goes to the mortgage and car payments, and you never fail to give your parents a portion too.
On top of taking them out regularly like Sunday brunch and vacations every couple of months. That’s what a wonderful life is like. And you feel good about it because these two people gave you life, gave you everything, and did it with smiling faces, kindness in their eyes, and everything was unconditional.
So it was without hesitation that you ordered Keepons eyeglasses retainers for both your mom and dad. Both your parents wear glasses have so forever. Strangely it turned out that you never had to wear glasses though. The thing with genes…such a mystery.
Your dad loves his Keepons. His golf game has improved immensely he tells you over a beer at the local pub one afternoon. No longer pushing up his glasses while he plays. It’s the activity and the sun, makes you sweat he says and when you sweat, your glasses fall down he says. Well not yours as in you since you don’t wear eyeglasses but for him, yes.
And your mom loves her Keepons too. Perfectly brilliant for bridge and euchre and the thousands of other card games she plays with her girlfriends. They’re always doing something.
And that’s how life should be. Lived to the fullest. Thanks for making life better for my parents Keepons!
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Glasses Slip, Not A Problem With Keepons Eyeglasses Retainers
Your thoughts turn to how in less than a year your life has changed so much. You started hanging around with kind people, interesting, interested in constantly improving themselves. Instead of going out on Fridays to drink yourselves silly your new groups meets once a week to discuss the book you’re all reading, or to have a potluck or to go for a hike.
It’s this type of wholesome living that you’ve always wanted and yearned for but never had until recently. And even in your job you’ve been able to throw yourself into it with vigor. You’re in the here in now instead of like before where at nights you’d have trouble falling asleep because you’d dread work and while you were working all you did was waste time until it was time to go home, now it’s different.
You decided to take charge of life beginning with work and you’re now focused. For the first couple of months it was still boring because people hadn’t seen the change in you yet but gradually you won them over and got more and more responsibilities and after six months you even got a promotion and a raise.
You smile at that and think at how far you’ve come in such a short time and you even your relationships have taken a turn for the better. Though you are still single you’ve come to realize that if indeed you do meet that special somebody, great, but if you don’t you no longer hate yourself, you have begun being kinder and more nurturing to yourself. And you are reminded of how this all began, and it seems like just yesterday a friend saw how flustered you were with your falling glasses and suggested that you try Keepons eyeglass retainers.
You didn’t have a clue so you went online and ordered them after reading the product description. And when they arrived a week later, it was like night and day. For once you could focus on living and not pushing up your falling glasses. You see how that’s when it all started. How being able to stop your glasses from slipping down your nose was the beginning of all this, your new and wonderful life.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Keepons eyeglass retainers and Yoga
What I love about Bikram Yoga is sweating. I know that sounds obvious but I mean the psychological aspect of it. After a class I feel unburdened like all the bad things, guilt, anxiety, worry, bitterness, anger, resentment, everything toxic to my mind and body has just been flushed out which is a great feeling.
I can literally wrench the sweat from my clothes like I had just dipped them in a basin of water. I think more than anything, after every class I feel reborn and so that’s why I go to Yoga every day.
From the first “Namaste” I am immersed in a warm (well more like hot) world of kindness and loving and intention and I know this may sound funny, but it feels like I’m in a womb. And sometimes it gets so hot that I want to faint but I never ever ever leave that room because despite the heat I feel such genuine well-being from myself, those of my classmates, and from the instructor in the front of the class.
The only problem really is that if I don’t wear my glasses while I am practicing I can’t see. I mean it’s ok because I know the poses already but when you can’t see you feel disconnected, so I have to wear my eyeglasses when I do yoga but with all that sweat, my glasses keep falling down my nose and that’s just as bad as not wearing them. Sometimes I’ll be doing Downward Dog pose and then clunk, my glasses fall to the ground and I am so embarrassed because I know I am disrupting my classmates whom I consider like brothers and sister.
Then the other day while I was surfing the web I saw a tweet that suggested there was a way to stop falling glasses so immediately I clicked on it and behold – Keepons eyeglasses retainers. They look like these two pieces of…rubber, well silicone actually with this empty middle through it like a highway and this is where you eyeglasses temple tips thread through and then these Keepons hook over your ears in the most gentle way and this stops your glasses from moving, slipping, falling…I am so happy now that I have Keepons.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Friends telling friends about Keepons eyeglass retainers
I went over to my friend’s house for dinner last night. I’ve known Jennifer since we were in high school. Anita, Jennifer’s daughter looked really happy. I said, “what is it Sweetie? Did mom buy you something really nice?”
Anita nodded her head.
“Is it new books?” I asked, since Anita loved reading.
“Better,” she said with a sly smile.
“Better than books!” I exclaimed with true astonishment, there was nothing she liked better than books, except for, I turned to Jennifer in shock.
“You got her a pony!!!!”
Both mother and daughter burst out in tears amidst laughter.
“No Auntie Daphe,” said Anita as she took off her glasses for me to see.
On the arms of her glasses were attached what looked like transparent pieces of erasers.
“What. Is. That???”
“They’re called Keepons eyeglasses retainers, Aunty Daphe. Mom got them for me because the kids used to make fun of me because my glasses used to always fall down my nose. Billy always pushes me and says I’m a dork.”
“Well see her, you tell Billy that if he keeps that up, your Aunt Daphne is going to go over there and give him a knuckle sandwich!”
“Hahahahahah it’s ok, he won’t be pushing me anymore because my glasses don’t slip down my face anymore. Keepons did the trick.”
“Lemme see what you got there, pumpkin.”
I looked closely at Anita’s glasses and saw that the Keepons were attachments with a hollow middle. The temples threaded through the hollow middle. Then the Keepons hooked over Anita’s ears to stop them from slipping.
“How much these cost?”
“Six bucks all the way from Hong Kong, included free international shipping and tracking number,” said Jennifer.
“Hey my boss’s kids have the same problem, what’s the website address?”
“Thanks, although I think they’re not as cool as a new pony,” I suggested.
We had huge giggles for the next 30 minutes then apple pie.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Eyeglass retainers to stop your glasses from sliding down your nose
An eyeglass retainers as its name implies is a device which holds your eyeglasses in place. That is, it prevents your eyeglasses from slipping down your nose. Generally speaking, eyeglass retainers can be divided into two types: Rope-type retainers and individual retainers.
Rope-type retainers include eyeglass straps, eyeglass cords, eyeglass chains, and eyeglass lanyards.
Individual retainers come in a pair and each one slips over your eyeglass temples.
Rope-type retainers are very popular and they do help you to stop slipping glasses but they have their drawbacks. The biggest drawback is that they can be dangerous to use. Because they have off the back of your neck while you’re wearing your glasses they can get caught on or tangled in things just like long hair would. Worse, because rope-type retainers are closed loops, it’s even easier for them to get tangled. They are forbidden in many industrial workplaces for fear of getting caught in machinery thus leading to serious injury or death.
Another drawback of rope-type retainers is that they lie on the back of the neck and restrict movement in the same way a shirt with too small of a collar might restrict movement.
Finally, rope-type retainers are very noticeable. They bring a lot of attention to themselves and aren’t appropriate for a business environment.
Individual retainers on the other hand come in two types. One is fabric or cloth-based and the other type is made of silicone.
The problem with fabric-based retainers is that they smell. That is, they can easily pick up odors from absorbing sweat. That’s a huge turnoff for most people.
Silicone-based retainers are good in that they are small, transparent, and safe. Keepons eyewear retainers for example, makes a next generation eyeglass retainer made of advanced silicone which easily slides over your eyeglass temples and gently hooks around your ears to stop your eyeglasses from falling down your nose.
They cost about $6 and include free international shipping and a free tracking number too.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Stop glasses from slipping, Keepons eyewear retainers is the solution
If it weren’t for gravity, we’d all be floating around getting nothing done. Worse there would be no oceans or rivers or lakes. The water wouldn’t stay still. Gravity makes things fall to the ground at a rate of 9.8 meters per second squared. That means the more they fall the faster they fall.
Sir Isaac Newton formulated his theory about gravity. He didn’t discover it. You can’t discover something that just is. That’s like saying the first man discovered Life. You live, that's life.
The problem with gravity however is that it makes things fall that you don’t want to fall. Like if you’re in a rush in the morning, you might spill orange juice on your white dress shirt.
Or if it’s a winter’s day and it’s iced out on the walkway, gravity will make you fall. And then most likely you’ll be stuck in bed for a week nursing a bad hip or worse.
And for eyeglass wearers, gravity is the worst because it makes your eyeglasses keep slipping down your nose.
Glasses sit on your head with nothing to keep them from slipping. They’re made of metal or plastic which in themselves are slippery. They sit on your head slanting slightly downwards because your ears and higher than the point on your nose where the eyeglass nosepads make contact. Pointing downwards is a recipe for eyeglass slipping.
And of course the center of gravity on your glasses is near the front because your lenses are there. Your lenses are heavier than the rest of your glasses. Center of gravity is what gravity works on.
So that’s why your glasses slip.
But they don’t have.
When you put your jacket on a hook, how come it doesn’t fall?
Of course because the hook keeps your jacket from falling. That’s what Keepons eyeglasses retainers do. They’re engineered from special silicone that’s ideal for this type of work. They thread over your eyeglass temple tips and hook over your ears so your glasses never slip down your nose.
Keepons, next generation eyewear retainers, the science of stopping slipping glasses.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
stop glasses from sliding down nose for good
Your left ear. Your right ear. The left side of your nose. The right side of your nose.
The four places where your eyeglasses make contact with your head.
In the case of your left and right ear, you skin makes contacts with plastic temple tips.
In the case of your nose, it makes contact with your eyeglass nosepads though with some plastic frames, there’s no nosepad per se and then your nose just makes contact with the frame.
Some people like to think of those four points of contact like wheels on asphalt. I used to think that, but lately I’ve been studying the problem so more and now I tend to think of it like a baby carriage on an ice rink.
That’s it. This is reality.
And it always amazes me why people think glasses shouldn’t slip down their noses?
What’s to keep it from slipping?
Your skin makes contact with plastic. Your skin has pores. When you’re active, those pores release moisture called sweat. The sweat makes contact with plastic. Wet plastic. Slippery.
And so every little movement causes the entire framework of your eyeglass frames to slide forward. Then gravity does the rest. Because ain’t it just like gravity to pull down?
Or maybe some people think that glasses come with some type of anti-gravity device which makes them defy gravity and for those people whose glasses are slipping, that somehow this anti-gravity device is malfunctioning…
The reality is that glasses slip down your nose because their slippery and nothing is stopping them from being slippery.
Think about it, if your ears were made of felt or some other wispy fabric and the temple tips of your eyeglasses were made of Velcro then definitely they wouldn’t slip right?
But that’s not the case.
Your skin is epidermal layers which is smooth. That’s why you glide through the water when you swim. And when you sweat those epidermal layers get moist and the moisture makes the glass temple tips and nose pads slippery and then your hands automatically come up to your face. Another slipping glasses push up. Except you don’t use your ab muscles, you use your arm muscles.
So like I was saying…glasses slip because they’re designed to slip. Or rather no one ever designed not to slip.
Until now that is.
Keepons eyeglass retainers.
What’s a retainer? It’s a device which holds something in place. Keepons holds you glasses in place, that is, squarely on your head.
Keepons are two swatches of silicone shaped like small boomerangs. Through one arm of the boomerang runs a hollow tunnel which your eyeglass temple tips thread through. Once thread through, the other boomerang arm goes around your ears comfortably, like a soft hook.
The hook stops the forward movement of your glasses.
No more slipping glasses.
And that’s the science behind Keepons eyewear retainers.
Magical, but no magic involved. Just Physics and common sense.
Friday, March 2, 2012
Play better volleyball with Keepons eyeglass retainers
For you, volleyball is the sport, nothing better.
You started playing for the school team and then on the weekends it was beach volleyball.
While most of your friends enjoy cheerleading, for you it’s volleyball. It’s hard to express it: there’s a precision in volleyball that you haven’t experienced with other sports. You played girls basketball in your junior year and did alright. But it never held your interest, not as volleyball does.
And being close to the water, it’s so perfect.
Perhaps that’s why you love volleyball more. You can play volleyball at the beach and in this way the environment makes the game more perfect. You sort of understand why golfers love to golf. A part of the attraction is the setting.
That and the fact you’re really good at volleyball. Your ability to be spoke for the team, your ability to transcend your side and play as if you facing yourself from the opposite side. It’s uncanny but for you, as soon as the ball is served everything is slowed down and you see all the trajectories of the ball four or five moves ahead. You just know what people will do.
The only part of volleyball that kind of sucks is that your glasses keep slipping. You have goggles but they mess up your hair and what’s more, they leave you with raccoon eyes. You tan all over your body and face except underneath your goggles.
You’ve tried contacts but they dry out your eyes and more importantly when you’re at the beach, sand keeps getting into your contacts.
Eyeglass straps, cords, and chains just don’t help because the sit limply on the back of your neck and make you feel slow. Every turn of the neck is like pulling a sack of potatoes across your shoulders. Yup, if you could solve the problem of falling glasses down your nose, it would be perfect.
Well we have some great news for you. We have just what you’re looking for and their called Keepons eyeglass retainers. They come in a pair and they’re small and transparent pieces of engineered silicone which thread over each of your eyeglass temple tips. Once in place they balance out your glasses so they’re not so front heavy.
What’s more they gently hook around your ears so your eyeglass don’t slip down your nose every few minutes.
That way, when the play of the century comes along, you know the one where two defenders jump up to block, you can spike the ball with so much force it knocks them back ten feet and win the game without having to worry about your glasses slipping.
For the love of the game, remember the name. Keepons sports eyeglass retainers.
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