But the stats about slipping glasses are what's really terrifying.
Three out of three eyeglass wearers experience eyeglass slipping. There are differences in severity ranging from pushing up glasses once every couple of minutes to the worst cases where glasses wearers need to pretty well hold up their frames with either their left or right hand continuously or risk walking around with heads leaned back so they can look out their glasses which are resting on the bulbous fleshy part of their noses.
To understand why eyeglass slipping exists, we need look no further than the frames themselves. There is nothing to keep them in place on one's head. For example, if you were going on a long road trip and you were packing heavy, your trunks all filled, would you just place your luggage on the top of your car and then begin driving?
Of course not. You'd fasten or secure the luggage somehow. Not so with glasses. Eyeglasses sit on your head, or more precisely on three contact points which are the ears and nose, and there is nothing to keep them there. First of all, your ears are slightly higher than your nose, so glasses are inclined to slip from the beginning. What's more the frames are front heavy because that's where you lenses are. Thirdly, the temple tips which sit on your ears are made of slippery plastic which makes them slip with ease (especially when they're sweaty or you're doing light activity).
Many eye doctors claim that slipping glasses are the result of poorly fitted glasses but this simply isn't true. No matter how much fitting and plying and adjusting the glass frames, there is no manipulative way to make glasses stay on your head.
There is a way to stop slipping glasses with Keepons eyeglass retainers though. And around 5 dollar per pair, they're an inexpensive yet effective solution to one dandy of a frustrating problem.
Keepons slide onto your eyeglass frames in the same way a McDonald's straw might fit over a chopstick, but imagine that the straw is rubbery and made of silicone so that it grips the temple tips, and then imagine the straw isn't a straw but shaped like a boomerang so it hooks around your ears and then you basically have an idea of what Keepons are like.

Other Keepons benefits include:
- Being sweaty won't cause your glasses to slip anymore
- Safer than eyeglass strings which can pulled from behind
- They are transparent so no one will even notice that you're wearing them
- Such a small price to pay for such immense relief
- It's the perfect thing to get for your children or grandchildren to help them suffer less
- Perfect if you spent time in a hot kitchen, so won't have to put down the frying pan and plates to lift up your glasses
- Free shipping and tracking number
- Buy them now and they've arrive in about 2 weeks
- Amazing for students or presenters
- Whereas eyeglass cords can't be worn at the office, Keepons eyeglass retainers can!
You've never been an outdoors person. In fact you prefer to be indoors as much as possible. Mother Nature isn't nothing but bugs, sunburns, and allergies. Of course, it wasn't like this when you were a child. Back when you were truly happy. The memories come slowly but when they arrive, their vividness overwhelms you.
You remember always being outdoors when you were young, running carefree and playing with the other kids wit such passion that it seemed like that that was all there was to life, so much so that it stressed your mother out to no end because she could never find you when dinner time came. You were either riding your bike with your friends, or in some playground amidst some pirate or spaceship fantasy, or playing handball against the school wall. Or shooting hoops in someone's driveway.
In fact, when you really put your mind into it, you can only recall memories of being indoors only when you were sick or when it was really storming outside. And even then, you'd be posted by the window with your gaze outwards longingly. But as the years went on, you spent less and less time outside. And more and more time in front of your computer on the Internet. How did this happen? So much so, that eventually that's what you took in university. You got a job as a programmer and spent all day in front of the computer. On returning home, whereas other people might cook, have a nice meal, then go out for a nice walk and watch the sunset, you prefer to get some takeout and playing online games to unwind after a long time. Slowly your weight crept up.
But one day, in the midst of the confusion and insanity of work, life, and endless pursuit of things you have really no need for, you remembered a more sensible happier period. And you did something you haven't done in a decades. You purposely closed your browser, turned off your monitor, and opened your front door. You took a walk in the park and the breeze is refreshing. The sun on your face brightens up your spirit and so you keep walking. You feel animated and wonder why you didn't do this sooner.
This is real life, and it's so much better than the virtual life you've spent most of your life trapped in. It's a warm day and as you walk your glasses slowly slide down your nose, thinking nothing of it, you push them up, and in that act, a memory is sparked. You remember why you hate physical activity, and you hate going out...your glasses keeping falling, and it's frustratingly uncomfortable. You feel unkempt and loafish.
In exasperation, you take a cab home and turn on your computer again. What were you thinking?
You could be so much more free, if you got yourself some Keepons eyewear retainers. Order yours now and in less than 2 weeks your life will be amazing!
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