If you could remake yourself, what would you change?
Most people start with externals like losing weight or being taller, but don’t ever think about what’s on the inside.
For example, being less fearful. Imagine how different your life would be if you dared to do the things you don’t dare. Asking for a raise. Asking for a date. Going for that dream job? Starting your own business? Running for office?
For so many things that invisible enemy known as Fear gets in the way.
Or what about self-discipline?
You’ve always wanted to lose weight but when faced with scrumptious pizza, or mouth-watering French fries who can say no?
How would your life be if you had extraordinary self-discipline?
What about altruism?
How would life be like if you felt more compassion for people, more empathy?
People who naturally don’t feel compassion will probably think that feeling compassion is a sign of weakness. That it opens you up to be abused and taken advantage of. On the contrary, compassion stems from a source of strength stronger than all the violence in the world. To reserve judgment, to reserve hate, to attempt to understand others, and extend understanding…indeed how different would your life be, how successful?
What about self-esteem? In every endeavor you embraced how would it turn out if you felt that heart swelling that overwhelms you when you’re filled with brimming self-confidence? When you could take on anything, defeat anyone or anything, climb any mountain no matter how high?
Self-esteem isn’t a secret that only a few people share. But for those who have had a nurturing childhood, self-esteem comes more naturally because when you’re brought up in an environment where you’ve loved unconditionally and given structure to try and fail and encouraged to try your best, you become confident in what you accomplish.
If you grew up without nurturing then it’s up to you to re-parent yourself and give yourself the support you didn’t have growing up. Eat better not because someone's forcing you to, but because of love for yourself and knowing that it’s genuinely good for you.
Get some exercise, not for your gym teacher but to feel energy coursing through your veins and enjoy the feeling of being alive.
Smile, laugh as often as possible. And if there’s a problem embrace it with all your facilities.
Which brings up the problem of falling glasses. How long has that been a problem for you? You probably think who cares, no will ever find me attractive, what does it matter to stop your glasses from slipping?
Well if you don’t like yourself no one will ever like you.
And consider why you don’t like yourself.
Because when it mattered most, when you needed it most, you weren’t liked for being just you.
You had to live up to impossible standards that kept changing.
Suffer no more.
Continuing to put up with slipping glasses is agreeing that you don’t deserve better. You do. For around $5 and a click of your mouse, you can start the journey to be a better you.
Keepons eyeglass retainers are engineered from industrial-strength silicone and thread over the temple tips of your glasses. Once in place, they do two things. They balance out your glasses from behind because your lenses makes the center of gravity lean forward, leading to slipping glasses. Keepons balances out the weight.
More importantly Keepons gently wrap around your ears and behave like hooks which stop slipping glasses. Don’t wait anymore. You don’t deserve to continue suffering. Get your Keepons eyewear retainers today.
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