You’re in the middle of your favorite game be it Counterstrike, Starcraft, or maybe you’re just going head to head with your girlfriend on Dr Mario on the Nintendo Wii. It’s always happens the same way.
You’re really into the offensive, your senses fully alert. Both hands on the console and you notice it. Imperceptibly at first, but then it starts to snowball. Your glasses begin to slide down your nose. It’s no big deal but yes it kinda is. It’s distracting and you’re not able to play at your max. So deep down in your subconscious you’ve already started to weigh the decision.
Do I lift one hand? Do I take it away from gaming for just a split second? You decide not to and instead try to push up your glasses with the back of your hand so you can keep both hands on the controller. But that doesn’t work. It just knocks your glasses to the side and now their crooked on your face.
Finally seeing gets so bad, that you go for it when you see a window in the action. You take your left hand off the joystick, lift your glasses and then get back into it…but nooooooooooooooooo! It’s too late, that split second is all it took for the enemy to create a hole in your head the size of a grapefruit.
You watch your character on screen lie there in a hopeless heap.

What do you continue to underperform in gaming like this when there is a simple and inexpensive and effective solution? It’s called Keepons eyeglass retainers and it’s available from a site called, yeah chamightlike sounds like you might like. It’s a play on words.
Anyway Keepons come in a pair. They’re these engineered pieces of silicone which thread onto your temple tips and act like hooks to comfortable wrap around your ears. What this does is keep your eyeglasses from slipping so you can game at your best. Or you could continue gaming lamely.
The choice is yours. If you order Keepons, you’ll only have to pay around $5 depending on the model you choose. Shipping and a tracking number is free so you can always track where your package is.
It takes about a week and half to get them and once you do not only will you be able to game better, you’ll be able to see better, look better, and feel better. Get your Keepons today at
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