Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Eyeglass chains and cords cause more problems than they solve stopping glasses from slipping
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Stop glasses from slipping? Here's how, Keepons for eyeglasses
So like I said Keepons are eyeglass retainers, also known as eyewear retainers are made of allergy-free silicone which is like a rubber plastic type substance. The original Keepons were transparent which made them ideal for wearing on your glasses. That way you could stop your glasses from slipping and no one would know you were wearing eyeglass retainers.
In time, Keepons have produced eyeglass retainers in different colors like black, blue, purple, cyan, and pink.
What makes Keepons special is that they are enginnered with something called flexi-aperture. This is a system whereby a hollow tunnel runs through the middle of the Keepons retainer. This hollow tunnel allows the Keepons to be thread over your eyeglass temple tips and once in place, the Keepson acts like a soft hook around your ears where it stops your glasses from moving forward.
Now for the amazing thing about Keepons. They cost about six dollars in US currency. And this amount includes free shipping to anywhere in world. They ship out of Hong Kong through the HK post system which is the government system and go anywhere in the world.
You also get a tracking number so you can track your package as it makes it way around the world. At anytime you can check the status of your package online.
So basically for the price of two cups of Starbucks coffee you are able to stop your slipping glasses from continuing to ruin your life. Amazing huh?
Friday, April 20, 2012
A little known secret to prevent your glasses from falling down your nose, Keepons eyewear retainers
You’re in the middle of teaching your students. It just so happens you’re 34 years old. And you hate your job. You teach English Literature at a private boy’s school to young men who have entitlement issues. They’re parents are rich, they themselves are spoiled rotten and you know they talk about you behind your back. They talk about how your clothes are so cheap, that you buy them from the Gap, which you do, and that you have no style and that you’ve probably never had a girlfriend, I’ve had exactly two girlfriends in my life but they weren’t that special and the stupid students also make fun of the fact that your glasses are always slipping down your face.
You can’t help being self-conscious and the more self-conscious you are, the more you get nervous and then you sweat and then you start sweating and then your glasses slip even more, like every one minute and you know that in front of your students you are pathetic.
But in every bunch there’s one and in your class there’s a kid named Herman Lee who is bright and has a kind-heart. His parents are super-rich but they’re low key and Herman takes after them. Thoughtful, soft-spoken, actually works hard in school.
So one day Herman comes up to you and says Hey Mr Anderson I wanted to show you these cool things called Keepons. They’re eyeglass retainers. I couldn’t help noticing that your glasses slip down your nose occasionally and I used to have the same problem. But then my dad ordered these Keepons for me. They only cost 6 dollars and that includes free shipping too. Maybe you should give it a try.
He wrote the website address for me and then left to the room to go to his next class.
That was a month ago and that night you ordered Keepons, the same ones he had and when they arrived 8 days later, you were so happy. You twisted them onto your glasses and when you put your glasses on, they didn’t move. They didn’t slip. Nothing. you wanted to shout it from the rooftops.
The next day in class you were extra into the lessons. It was like there was a new teacher. After class you thanked Herman for recommending Keepons to you and though you didn’t admit it to anyone, you gave me extra good grades for the rest of the year.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
This is how you properly stop your glasses from sliding down your nose

You know what’s it like to have your glasses slip all the time don’t you? Well I guess not since you don’t wear glasses. You can’t even imagine what’s it like. Imagine if there were mosquitoes buzzing around you head all the time and every two minutes one of the them would bump you in the face. Or pretend your pants are too big for you and you don’t have a belt. Then every two minutes or so, they fall and you have to be really quick about catching them or your pants will fall down and everyone will see your privates.
Slipping glasses are one part annoying, one part frustrating, and one part toxic. It’s toxic because it really zaps your self-esteem. You feel so useless, you feel like a tool. You feel like you’re somehow less than average as a human being.
Well at least I used to feel that way before I bought myself these Keepons eyewear retainers. Really it was the best six dollars I ever spent. And mind you, I have bought a lot of dumb stuff. Those jeans with the skinny legs I bought those even though I weigh 230 pounds. My wife laughed so hard at me, that I took them back to the store that very night. She pretended a phone was ringing and then pretended to pass it to me, she said, it’s the eighties calling, they want heavy metal back.
Like I said after I got Keepons, life changed. I bought the Keepons original black since my eyeglass frames were black in color. I’ve been using them to this day and lemme see, wow it’s been 14 months. And did I mention that the six bucks you pay to buy Keepons comes with free shipping all the way from Hong Kong. Yes it does and you even get a tracking number so you can see the status of your package online. It’s really amazing. When I think about, it’s not like these eyeglass retainers can be considered more important than the compass, or the wheel, or any of the other great inventions of our time. But for eyeglass wearers it’s just as important in terms of preventing your glasses from slipping down your nose.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
What I did to stop my eyeglasses from always sliding down my nose

There I was drunk as a skunk, with my vomit all over my legs. I was decked out in the parking lot behind a convenience store making a mess of myself. I had been crying too because Becky broke up with me. Not only did she break up with me, she told me plain why she broke up with me and to do so with my next door neighbor Jim, who I hate most in the world.
Face it Greg, you’re like a total loser. You weren’t this bad in the beginning but you got worse and worse. You started getting fatter and fatter and then you started buying those pants with the elastic waist. All you do is stuff your face and play World of Warcraft all day and night when you’re not working. And your glasses always slip down your nose. You’re pushing them up a million times a day. It’s really embarrassing to be seen with you.
And with that she broke my heart into a trillion pieces. I felt like the crappiest piece of crap in this crappy world. I went to the store and bought a bottle of gin and have been nursing since.
I don’t know what happened to me, but things just fell apart. I’ll never get someone as good as Becky.
It was then dark thoughts started pouring into my head. Luckily I passed out.
The next day it felt like something died in my mouth and there were a thousand jackhammers going off in my head. But I resolved to fix my life and show Becky up. I listed all my problems and one by one put them into Google to find a solution for.
When I typed in, stopping slipping glasses, I came across a product called Keepons eyewear retainers. So I ordered them. I figured no big deal if they don’t work. They’re only six dollars and that includes free shipping from Hong Kong and a tracking number to see the status of my delivery. Then I moved onto the next problem in my life and the next.
Two weeks later, the Keepons arrived. That was 6 months ago and let me tell you this. They stopped my glasses from slipping and changed my life. Now I have a new girlfriend and her name is Yasmine. Yasmine is gorgeous and I’m not bad either. I’ve lost 35 pounds thanks to running all the time.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
My son's glasses don't slip down his nose anymore
Jed is no longer bullied and he has a girlfriend now. All thanks to Keepons eyeglass retainers. Perhaps I should rewind a bit. My name is Pam and my son is Jed. He’s in grade 10 in high school. I worry about him or at least I used to. He’s so introverted and he gets picked on. Or at least he used to. He needed glasses in grade 7 and since then he’s been even more withdrawn. But he was always pushing up his eyeglasses and frankly even though I’m his mom, I think he looks kind of nerdy. So I asked my coworkers how I could stop his glasses from slipping. Some people suggested I get him some eyeglass straps, but I was against it. The thought of the straps and how they would make him look even more dorkier sent shudders down my spine. Then Kathleen who works in Planning took off her glasses and showed me this attachment she had on both of her temples. They were small and transparent and hooked around her ears.
What is that? I asked. And more importantly where did you get them?
She said, oh these are called Keepons, cause they keep on your glasses, get it?
I giggled. Kathleen is such a delightful person.
I got them online at a site called, and they cost me $6.
Wow, that’s it?
How much for shipping?
It’s included, free shipping with tracking number all around the world.
That’s amazing!!!
So I went back to my desk and I know I should have been phoning customers, but I spent two minutes ordering from It was really easy.
Then in about 2 weeks they arrived and I helped Jed put them on. You just twist the retainers on the temple tips.
The next day, he came home as happy as a birthday. He said, that he has a girlfriend now, Trisha. She sits next to him in class. Also the boy in class who picks on him found someone else because Jed’s glasses don’t slip down his nose anymore. Although I don’t know how comfortable I am with Jed having a girlfriend, I like that he’s more outgoing now, now that he has Keepons.
Friday, April 6, 2012
Keepons eyeglass retainers to stop slipping glasses, a real life changer

I’m exhausted. No that’s not correct. I should rather say that my body is destroyed. I just came back from a 7 hour nature trail walk. The walk itself should have only took 3 hours, but then I got kind of lost and then it got kind of dark and then it kind of rained and to make a long story short, I’m sitting here in the warmth of my apartment with a big grin on my face.
Here’s why?
After my walk, after I stumbled out into civilization my first thought was to go get some hamburger and fries and huge Coca-Cola to wash it down with as a reward for the exercise that I did. I must have burned 3000 calories from my walk. But then I stopped myself and instead went to the supermarket and got myself a whole bunch of fruit, some smoked salmon, and some shelled walnuts. And I’m sitting here feasting on healthy.
I feel so full of energy and my mood is great.
It all started 2 days ago when I received my Keepons eyeglass retainers in the mail. The minute I thread them onto my eyeglass temples I knew they were solid. It’s true what they say, it really does stop your glasses from slipping. And I’ve been suffering from falling glasses since I was a kid. I lived with it and being bullied all through high school, so when I got the Keepons and it looked like that my glasses would never slip again, I was so happy. Actually happy isn’t correct, rather I felt like a person who has been given a second chance in life and haven’t spent the first 30 years of life miserable, I was going to make the most of the next 30. And I owe it all to these wonderful eyewear retainers which only cost me 6 dollars.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Keepons keeps you happy by keeping your glasses from slipping

Yup life sure is crap. I’m 29, going onto 30 next week and I am so not even close to where I thought I would be when I got to be 30.
I thought I’d have my own house, a car, maybe drive a BMW, also have another weekend ride like a Range Rover, be married to a beautiful woman, and have close to a million in the bank.
Let me tell you how it’s really like. I had to move back home after I got laid off as the area manager for a submarine restaurant. My parents are retired and it’s like it was when I was growing up, arguing all the time, trying to prove each other as wrong as possible. Whereas before it would only be a couple of hours a day since both had to work, now it’s constant bickering. Over the most inconsequential stuff too.
That’s probably why I don’t want to get married. Not that there are a lot of options on the table. Who wants to marry an unemployed 29 year old who still lives with his parents. Oh right, correction, a couple days ago I found a job so I’m not officially unemployed. I clean up at the local cultural center, but only on the weekends. Hopefully I’ll have more hours later on.
Yup pretty pathetic I must say.
How did it get this way?
Oh and I’m overweight too. And prone to Depression. When I’m not working I try to not come home until late. I usually end up drinking cheap alcohol at the Park. I pour it out of the bottle and into a thermos. I know I’m not fooling anyone.
And my stupid glasses keep falling.
I can’t even afford the $4 it costs to get Keepons. My buddy told me about them the other day in an email. He’s got a job as a programmer for a big software company you’ve definitely heard of.
He sent me the link.
But one problem is that my credit card is majorly in arrears.
He said these things stop your glasses from slipping down your nose and he showed me the link,
But I’ll be darned if I ask my mom to buy them for me. If he was any kind of friend he’d order an extra pair for me.
Life goes on with my falling eyeglasses. Life sure is bad.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Effectively stopping eyeglass slipping with Keepons

So I got myself some Keepons eyeglasses retainers and that was about two months and boy how my life has changed! It was just the catalyst I needed.
I started eating right too and suddenly once in my life it wasn’t so hard. It was harder on my family and friends because they wanted me to eat with them, restaurants, junk food, and so on.
It’s amazing how big a role food plays in our everyday lives. Not nutrition I mean, just food as social lubricant, food as comfort, food to celebrate, food to console, and sure at first it felt kind of weird but the more people insisted that I could just stop my old habits, the more I wanted to drop them.
It was like I was being healthy to spite them. I’m not sure if it’s happened to you, the people around you don’t want you to change or they give you that look like yeah you’ll revert in a matter of days and be like your old self again, but I’m proud to say that in the last 2 months I’ve lost a total of 21 pounds.
Well not just from eating better but also from exercising. At first I was going to do the same boring old exercises, like run around the block and then I thought nope. Keepons changed my life and gave me a new start and I wasn’t going to waste it.
So you know what I did?
I joined a Parkour group. It’s amazing! Do you know what Parkour is? It’s running all over the city, over obstacles, just all manner of crazy and now it was great because I could run and my glasses wouldn’t slip down my nose. I would sweat like crazy and my glasses wouldn’t slip down my nose. All thanks to Keepons eyewear retainers.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Slipping glasses a thing of the past with Keepons eyewear retainers
And then he read more about it including Schema Therapy and how to deal with Narcissists. Well not deal with it more as how to help them not use the same patterns that they use again and again and stay stuck in a rut.
Darn to heck he thought. I’m not getting any younger and it’s taken me a month to make up my mind about ordering eyeglass retainers.
I am really good for nothing.
What’s the big deal. They only cost $4 and that includes international shipping and tracking.
What’s the most I can lose?
They use PayPal, and I’ve bought off Amazon and eBay with PayPal.
And they use shopify which is a strong Canadian company.
So he went ahead with it, feeling good about not always sitting at the fork in the road.
Man I have problems he thought to himself.
Well in about 10 days those retainers arrived and with shaky hands he put them on his glasses temples. It went on really easy, like putting socks on, and then he placed his glasses back on his head and there.
No slipping. Well not that his glasses slipped and the Keepons pulled them up. But with the Keepons softly hooked half over his ears his glasses didn’t slide forward. That is gravity had no effect on them which was amazing!
$4!!! I should have gotten this a month ago, and he wanted to kick himself.
The next thing he did? Sit down in front of his computer and start planning out the rest of his life. Yup it’s about time. Time is precious and I’ve wasted too much of it. With these Keepons eyewear retainers helping me solve my problem of slipping glasses, it’s like a sign that the most difficult journey begins with a single step. Thanks Keepons.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Glasses used to slip all the time, then I got Keepons eyewear retainers

I have been interested in Keepons eyeglasses retainers for a long time but I’ve never bought anything online. Not even once. The idea intrigues me but I’m always afraid you know, about hackers and people stealing your information and then your money.
But recently I couldn’t take it anymore. My glasses always slip down my face and they do it so often that I can’t stand it anymore. It really bothers me. It seems not a minute goes by and I’m pushing them off the middle of my nose. And that makes me nervous and when I get nervous I start sweating and then my glasses fall more.
I mean it’s already bad enough where I work. Everyone is so good looking. The guys are all handsome and the women look like supermodels. And there’s me, looking dopey as usual. So I finally scrounged up the courage to place the order.
That and I learned that the store which sells Keepons is hosted through and I’ve read a lot of positive things about shopify. They’re big and really legit. Er sorry I mean legitimate. I tend to use slang like that, like a teenager. Also it’s PayPal after all.
I know I’m being overly worrisome but I can’t help it, I get it from my mom. I was raised to be a big worrier.
So after 2 weeks, well not exactly 2 weeks more like 10 days they came in the mail. I was so excited for two reasons. One this was my first online purchase and two, this thing promised to stop my glasses from slipping. Which it did no problem!!!!
WOW, now I’m thinking why have I been so stupid. Why didn’t I order them sooner. I could have saved myself so much suffering from slipping glasses. Now I actually smile and am planning to ask people out. Tonight I’m going shopping for new clothes. Thanks Keepons!
Friday, March 16, 2012
Glasses slip and Keepons prevent them from slipping

So you do everything in your power to make life better for them now that life is easier for you. You’ve got a good job as a result of your good education, which your parents provided of course. And you have a good head on your shoulders. Every months when you get paid, a portion goes to savings, a portion goes to the mortgage and car payments, and you never fail to give your parents a portion too.
On top of taking them out regularly like Sunday brunch and vacations every couple of months. That’s what a wonderful life is like. And you feel good about it because these two people gave you life, gave you everything, and did it with smiling faces, kindness in their eyes, and everything was unconditional.
So it was without hesitation that you ordered Keepons eyeglasses retainers for both your mom and dad. Both your parents wear glasses have so forever. Strangely it turned out that you never had to wear glasses though. The thing with genes…such a mystery.
Your dad loves his Keepons. His golf game has improved immensely he tells you over a beer at the local pub one afternoon. No longer pushing up his glasses while he plays. It’s the activity and the sun, makes you sweat he says and when you sweat, your glasses fall down he says. Well not yours as in you since you don’t wear eyeglasses but for him, yes.
And your mom loves her Keepons too. Perfectly brilliant for bridge and euchre and the thousands of other card games she plays with her girlfriends. They’re always doing something.
And that’s how life should be. Lived to the fullest. Thanks for making life better for my parents Keepons!
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Glasses Slip, Not A Problem With Keepons Eyeglasses Retainers
Your thoughts turn to how in less than a year your life has changed so much. You started hanging around with kind people, interesting, interested in constantly improving themselves. Instead of going out on Fridays to drink yourselves silly your new groups meets once a week to discuss the book you’re all reading, or to have a potluck or to go for a hike.
It’s this type of wholesome living that you’ve always wanted and yearned for but never had until recently. And even in your job you’ve been able to throw yourself into it with vigor. You’re in the here in now instead of like before where at nights you’d have trouble falling asleep because you’d dread work and while you were working all you did was waste time until it was time to go home, now it’s different.
You decided to take charge of life beginning with work and you’re now focused. For the first couple of months it was still boring because people hadn’t seen the change in you yet but gradually you won them over and got more and more responsibilities and after six months you even got a promotion and a raise.
You smile at that and think at how far you’ve come in such a short time and you even your relationships have taken a turn for the better. Though you are still single you’ve come to realize that if indeed you do meet that special somebody, great, but if you don’t you no longer hate yourself, you have begun being kinder and more nurturing to yourself. And you are reminded of how this all began, and it seems like just yesterday a friend saw how flustered you were with your falling glasses and suggested that you try Keepons eyeglass retainers.
You didn’t have a clue so you went online and ordered them after reading the product description. And when they arrived a week later, it was like night and day. For once you could focus on living and not pushing up your falling glasses. You see how that’s when it all started. How being able to stop your glasses from slipping down your nose was the beginning of all this, your new and wonderful life.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Keepons eyeglass retainers and Yoga

What I love about Bikram Yoga is sweating. I know that sounds obvious but I mean the psychological aspect of it. After a class I feel unburdened like all the bad things, guilt, anxiety, worry, bitterness, anger, resentment, everything toxic to my mind and body has just been flushed out which is a great feeling.
I can literally wrench the sweat from my clothes like I had just dipped them in a basin of water. I think more than anything, after every class I feel reborn and so that’s why I go to Yoga every day.
From the first “Namaste” I am immersed in a warm (well more like hot) world of kindness and loving and intention and I know this may sound funny, but it feels like I’m in a womb. And sometimes it gets so hot that I want to faint but I never ever ever leave that room because despite the heat I feel such genuine well-being from myself, those of my classmates, and from the instructor in the front of the class.
The only problem really is that if I don’t wear my glasses while I am practicing I can’t see. I mean it’s ok because I know the poses already but when you can’t see you feel disconnected, so I have to wear my eyeglasses when I do yoga but with all that sweat, my glasses keep falling down my nose and that’s just as bad as not wearing them. Sometimes I’ll be doing Downward Dog pose and then clunk, my glasses fall to the ground and I am so embarrassed because I know I am disrupting my classmates whom I consider like brothers and sister.
Then the other day while I was surfing the web I saw a tweet that suggested there was a way to stop falling glasses so immediately I clicked on it and behold – Keepons eyeglasses retainers. They look like these two pieces of…rubber, well silicone actually with this empty middle through it like a highway and this is where you eyeglasses temple tips thread through and then these Keepons hook over your ears in the most gentle way and this stops your glasses from moving, slipping, falling…I am so happy now that I have Keepons.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Friends telling friends about Keepons eyeglass retainers

I went over to my friend’s house for dinner last night. I’ve known Jennifer since we were in high school. Anita, Jennifer’s daughter looked really happy. I said, “what is it Sweetie? Did mom buy you something really nice?”
Anita nodded her head.
“Is it new books?” I asked, since Anita loved reading.
“Better,” she said with a sly smile.
“Better than books!” I exclaimed with true astonishment, there was nothing she liked better than books, except for, I turned to Jennifer in shock.
“You got her a pony!!!!”
Both mother and daughter burst out in tears amidst laughter.
“No Auntie Daphe,” said Anita as she took off her glasses for me to see.
On the arms of her glasses were attached what looked like transparent pieces of erasers.
“What. Is. That???”
“They’re called Keepons eyeglasses retainers, Aunty Daphe. Mom got them for me because the kids used to make fun of me because my glasses used to always fall down my nose. Billy always pushes me and says I’m a dork.”
“Well see her, you tell Billy that if he keeps that up, your Aunt Daphne is going to go over there and give him a knuckle sandwich!”
“Hahahahahah it’s ok, he won’t be pushing me anymore because my glasses don’t slip down my face anymore. Keepons did the trick.”
“Lemme see what you got there, pumpkin.”
I looked closely at Anita’s glasses and saw that the Keepons were attachments with a hollow middle. The temples threaded through the hollow middle. Then the Keepons hooked over Anita’s ears to stop them from slipping.
“How much these cost?”
“Six bucks all the way from Hong Kong, included free international shipping and tracking number,” said Jennifer.
“Hey my boss’s kids have the same problem, what’s the website address?”
“Thanks, although I think they’re not as cool as a new pony,” I suggested.
We had huge giggles for the next 30 minutes then apple pie.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Eyeglass retainers to stop your glasses from sliding down your nose

An eyeglass retainers as its name implies is a device which holds your eyeglasses in place. That is, it prevents your eyeglasses from slipping down your nose. Generally speaking, eyeglass retainers can be divided into two types: Rope-type retainers and individual retainers.
Rope-type retainers include eyeglass straps, eyeglass cords, eyeglass chains, and eyeglass lanyards.
Individual retainers come in a pair and each one slips over your eyeglass temples.
Rope-type retainers are very popular and they do help you to stop slipping glasses but they have their drawbacks. The biggest drawback is that they can be dangerous to use. Because they have off the back of your neck while you’re wearing your glasses they can get caught on or tangled in things just like long hair would. Worse, because rope-type retainers are closed loops, it’s even easier for them to get tangled. They are forbidden in many industrial workplaces for fear of getting caught in machinery thus leading to serious injury or death.
Another drawback of rope-type retainers is that they lie on the back of the neck and restrict movement in the same way a shirt with too small of a collar might restrict movement.
Finally, rope-type retainers are very noticeable. They bring a lot of attention to themselves and aren’t appropriate for a business environment.
Individual retainers on the other hand come in two types. One is fabric or cloth-based and the other type is made of silicone.
The problem with fabric-based retainers is that they smell. That is, they can easily pick up odors from absorbing sweat. That’s a huge turnoff for most people.
Silicone-based retainers are good in that they are small, transparent, and safe. Keepons eyewear retainers for example, makes a next generation eyeglass retainer made of advanced silicone which easily slides over your eyeglass temples and gently hooks around your ears to stop your eyeglasses from falling down your nose.
They cost about $6 and include free international shipping and a free tracking number too.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Stop glasses from slipping, Keepons eyewear retainers is the solution

If it weren’t for gravity, we’d all be floating around getting nothing done. Worse there would be no oceans or rivers or lakes. The water wouldn’t stay still. Gravity makes things fall to the ground at a rate of 9.8 meters per second squared. That means the more they fall the faster they fall.
Sir Isaac Newton formulated his theory about gravity. He didn’t discover it. You can’t discover something that just is. That’s like saying the first man discovered Life. You live, that's life.
The problem with gravity however is that it makes things fall that you don’t want to fall. Like if you’re in a rush in the morning, you might spill orange juice on your white dress shirt.
Or if it’s a winter’s day and it’s iced out on the walkway, gravity will make you fall. And then most likely you’ll be stuck in bed for a week nursing a bad hip or worse.
And for eyeglass wearers, gravity is the worst because it makes your eyeglasses keep slipping down your nose.
Glasses sit on your head with nothing to keep them from slipping. They’re made of metal or plastic which in themselves are slippery. They sit on your head slanting slightly downwards because your ears and higher than the point on your nose where the eyeglass nosepads make contact. Pointing downwards is a recipe for eyeglass slipping.
And of course the center of gravity on your glasses is near the front because your lenses are there. Your lenses are heavier than the rest of your glasses. Center of gravity is what gravity works on.
So that’s why your glasses slip.
But they don’t have.
When you put your jacket on a hook, how come it doesn’t fall?
Of course because the hook keeps your jacket from falling. That’s what Keepons eyeglasses retainers do. They’re engineered from special silicone that’s ideal for this type of work. They thread over your eyeglass temple tips and hook over your ears so your glasses never slip down your nose.
Keepons, next generation eyewear retainers, the science of stopping slipping glasses.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
stop glasses from sliding down nose for good

Your left ear. Your right ear. The left side of your nose. The right side of your nose.
The four places where your eyeglasses make contact with your head.
In the case of your left and right ear, you skin makes contacts with plastic temple tips.
In the case of your nose, it makes contact with your eyeglass nosepads though with some plastic frames, there’s no nosepad per se and then your nose just makes contact with the frame.
Some people like to think of those four points of contact like wheels on asphalt. I used to think that, but lately I’ve been studying the problem so more and now I tend to think of it like a baby carriage on an ice rink.
That’s it. This is reality.
And it always amazes me why people think glasses shouldn’t slip down their noses?
What’s to keep it from slipping?
Your skin makes contact with plastic. Your skin has pores. When you’re active, those pores release moisture called sweat. The sweat makes contact with plastic. Wet plastic. Slippery.
And so every little movement causes the entire framework of your eyeglass frames to slide forward. Then gravity does the rest. Because ain’t it just like gravity to pull down?
Or maybe some people think that glasses come with some type of anti-gravity device which makes them defy gravity and for those people whose glasses are slipping, that somehow this anti-gravity device is malfunctioning…
The reality is that glasses slip down your nose because their slippery and nothing is stopping them from being slippery.
Think about it, if your ears were made of felt or some other wispy fabric and the temple tips of your eyeglasses were made of Velcro then definitely they wouldn’t slip right?
But that’s not the case.
Your skin is epidermal layers which is smooth. That’s why you glide through the water when you swim. And when you sweat those epidermal layers get moist and the moisture makes the glass temple tips and nose pads slippery and then your hands automatically come up to your face. Another slipping glasses push up. Except you don’t use your ab muscles, you use your arm muscles.
So like I was saying…glasses slip because they’re designed to slip. Or rather no one ever designed not to slip.
Until now that is.
Keepons eyeglass retainers.
What’s a retainer? It’s a device which holds something in place. Keepons holds you glasses in place, that is, squarely on your head.
Keepons are two swatches of silicone shaped like small boomerangs. Through one arm of the boomerang runs a hollow tunnel which your eyeglass temple tips thread through. Once thread through, the other boomerang arm goes around your ears comfortably, like a soft hook.
The hook stops the forward movement of your glasses.
No more slipping glasses.
And that’s the science behind Keepons eyewear retainers.
Magical, but no magic involved. Just Physics and common sense.
Friday, March 2, 2012
Play better volleyball with Keepons eyeglass retainers

For you, volleyball is the sport, nothing better.
You started playing for the school team and then on the weekends it was beach volleyball.
While most of your friends enjoy cheerleading, for you it’s volleyball. It’s hard to express it: there’s a precision in volleyball that you haven’t experienced with other sports. You played girls basketball in your junior year and did alright. But it never held your interest, not as volleyball does.
And being close to the water, it’s so perfect.
Perhaps that’s why you love volleyball more. You can play volleyball at the beach and in this way the environment makes the game more perfect. You sort of understand why golfers love to golf. A part of the attraction is the setting.
That and the fact you’re really good at volleyball. Your ability to be spoke for the team, your ability to transcend your side and play as if you facing yourself from the opposite side. It’s uncanny but for you, as soon as the ball is served everything is slowed down and you see all the trajectories of the ball four or five moves ahead. You just know what people will do.
The only part of volleyball that kind of sucks is that your glasses keep slipping. You have goggles but they mess up your hair and what’s more, they leave you with raccoon eyes. You tan all over your body and face except underneath your goggles.
You’ve tried contacts but they dry out your eyes and more importantly when you’re at the beach, sand keeps getting into your contacts.
Eyeglass straps, cords, and chains just don’t help because the sit limply on the back of your neck and make you feel slow. Every turn of the neck is like pulling a sack of potatoes across your shoulders. Yup, if you could solve the problem of falling glasses down your nose, it would be perfect.
Well we have some great news for you. We have just what you’re looking for and their called Keepons eyeglass retainers. They come in a pair and they’re small and transparent pieces of engineered silicone which thread over each of your eyeglass temple tips. Once in place they balance out your glasses so they’re not so front heavy.
What’s more they gently hook around your ears so your eyeglass don’t slip down your nose every few minutes.
That way, when the play of the century comes along, you know the one where two defenders jump up to block, you can spike the ball with so much force it knocks them back ten feet and win the game without having to worry about your glasses slipping.
For the love of the game, remember the name. Keepons sports eyeglass retainers.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Keepons eyeglass retainers: engineered silicone
It’s because of silicone’s properties. It can be stretched and then return to it’s original shape.
This is very important because of the way your eyeglasses are designed. For example, there is a wide variety of temple tip types.
Some temple tip types are narrow and of a consistent width, for example the entire tip is 3-4mm in width. These aren’t so common.
More common are temple tips that start off wide and then taper to become narrower as the tips get close to the front of your glasses. For example, the temple tips may be 8-10mm in width and then narrow done to about 4mm at the point that it meets with the temple arm.
Such inconsistency in width dimensions makes designing eyeglass retainers very difficult. For example, the original Keepons design calls for it to be boomerang shaped with a narrow aperture running through the center of it. This allows it to be threaded over the temple tips and then the protruding part hooks over your ears so they don’t slip.
But if you make the aperture too narrow you won’t be able to get it past the wide point of the temple tip. But if you make it too wide, it won’t sit properly once it gets to the narrow part of the temple tip.
Hence, silicone is used for its property of stretching only when it is sufficiently forced to do so, and then within minutes retain its original shape. This makes it perfect for the majority of temple tips. But not any silicone will do. The silicone for Keepons had to be specially formulated so it could be stretchy enough to get past wide temple tips but rigid enough to adhere to the tip and not move about.
In exceptional cases where the temple tip is just too wide, one can separate the temple tip from the temple and then thread the Keepons over the narrow end of the temple tips then reattach temple tip with temple arm.
Or in the case where the temple arm and temple tip are permanently joined, one can use a screwdriver and remove the temple from the frame and then thread the Keepons over the other end of the eyeglass temple arm.
Whatever shape your temple tips take, a lot of thought has been put into designing Keepons with one overriding purpose: to stop your eyeglasses from slipping. Nothing more and nothing less.
Keepons are the science of stopping slipping glasses.
Keepons keep your glasses on.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Play better basketball with Keepons eyeglass retainers
You get great grades to keep your parents happy and that means they let you do what you want, which is play basketball. You never enjoyed partying with the other kids. What a waste of time you think to yourself. What a waste of a life.
You don’t like sleeping in either. You love waking up early on a Saturday morning, earlier than your kid brother before he gets up to watch cartoons, take the ball to the park and just sink them.
One after another after another.
Because you have it figured it out. This is the secret of life. You just choose one thing you like and you keep practicing. And the better you get, the more confident you get, the more you love it.
You’ve loved basketball ever since you were a kid watching Iverson play for the 76’ers. He’s a symbol of aggressiveness, no-nonsense-ness, efficiency, exceptional skill. You’ve got two of his jerseys, one of them signed by him.
You love every part of the game except one. When your glasses slip while you play. You’ve got googles but it doesn’t feel good with goggles. They steam up and they block your peripheral vision. Besides your goggles are over a year old and you’ve gotten new glasses since then.
Contacts bug your eyes and feel uncomfortable.
You’ve tried using an eyeglass strap to keep your glasses on, but they feel terrible on your neck. When you turn your head, you need quick movements, and the straps just slow you down.
What’s more, when you start sweating, the straps absorb the sweat and just get heavier.
Well, for all the hard work you’ve put into one of the greatest games ever invented we’d like to introduce Keepons eyeglass retainers.

Keepons are precision engineered from industrial strength silicone. They thread over your eyeglass temples and hook comfortably around your ears to, you guessed it, stop your eyeglass from slipping down your nose.
Now you’re free to bring your game.
Now you’re free to take it to the rim and dunk it so hard to make the stadium take to its feet and roar.
For the love of the game, remember the name.
Keepons. Sports eyeglass retainers.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Memories of what it was like when my glasses kept slipping down my nose

As I sit down to write this, I know that my memories are imperfect. We tend to overestimate or underestimate our feelings of events. Just like when you close your eyes and try to recall a memory and you pay close attention to the picture in your mind, you realize that that’s a pretty unclear picture. The people in it or the things in it, seems like electrical outlines. But that’s all your brain needs to color in between the lines. Strange, yet miraculous.
And so with this imperfect mechanism I’m trying to think what it was like before I started using Keepons eyeglass retainers. I have one very vivid memory, near the end of my time with slipping glasses. This was just before using Keepons. It was hot that day. And very muggy. I had just got off work and I was wearing dress pants, uncomfortable dress shoes, and a dress shirt. In my right hand, I was carrying my briefcase. I was walking with a colleague to a restaurant. We were going to have dinner. The restaurant was about a 20 minute walk. Which isn’t bad in itself, but my face was full of perspiration and my glasses keep slipping. The glasses I was wearing at the time were these metal frames. They weren’t that heavy, but they still slipped. I pushed them up and it seemed not more than a minute passed and they slipped again. I purposely held up my head in an unnatural position so the front of my glasses were higher than my ears. But this was really uncomfortable. As soon as I lowered my head to a natural position, my glasses fell again. After pushing them up, them falling, pushing them up, them falling again I gave up in exasperation.
Now here’s the thing with memories. You may not remember faces or places, but for some strange reason you tend to remember feelings, and I was feeling very hopeless and helpless at that point. Hopeless and helpless aren't feelings, they're labels. The action feeling was one of heaviness and wanting to hide away. I needed my glasses because I couldn’t see without them but they just didn’t stay on. I don’t know how to describe it. I don’t mean that at that point, I said to myself, “note to self, remember that at this moment on such and such a day and this hour of the day, I am currently feeling helpless and hopeless.” No it wasn’t like that. It was more like this. I recall feeling like I would have preferred to be any place than there, preferred to be anyone else than me with falling glasses, and knowing that it was just fancy and that all my wishing was for nought. I could not wish my glasses to stay on my head. I remember feeling how it sucks to wear glasses in the first place. People say that you end up wearing glasses because you watched too much TV as a kid, but I don’t believe it. I think that’s something adults make up to stop their kids from watching TV because they believe TV is a distraction. It is, but that’s beside the point. Two wrongs don’t make it right.
A little while after that, I stumbled on Keepons eyeglass retainers and they changed my life. I don’t mean change my life in an epiphany type of way like a man discovers the secrets of the universe in a grain of sand. I mean, I didn’t wish to be someone else anymore. It meant that I didn’t feel helpless or hopeless. I could function normally and not seem geeky. Don’t get me wrong. I use the computer and Internet a lot and I play a lot of video games and I’m interested in science fiction which kind of makes me a geek. But I’m rather handsome and I like the way I look. When I wear contacts, I look great. But contacts irritate my eyes so usually I wear glasses. Before Keepons it used to be that eyeglass slipping got so bad that I’d switch to disposable contacts for a month or two then get so uncomfortable with them that I’d go back to glasses and then when I started wearing glasses again I’d remember why I hate glasses in the first place and back and forth, shuttling between one source of comfort to the next.
Then like I said I got Keepons eyeglass retainers and things got a lot better. Life is funny. There are things in life that are trivial or inconsequential. Keepons are just pieces of silicone with a narrow tunnel running through them yet they’ve made such a big difference in my life.
Friday, February 24, 2012
Keepons Eyeglass Retainers and Your Self-Esteem

If you could remake yourself, what would you change?
Most people start with externals like losing weight or being taller, but don’t ever think about what’s on the inside.
For example, being less fearful. Imagine how different your life would be if you dared to do the things you don’t dare. Asking for a raise. Asking for a date. Going for that dream job? Starting your own business? Running for office?
For so many things that invisible enemy known as Fear gets in the way.
Or what about self-discipline?
You’ve always wanted to lose weight but when faced with scrumptious pizza, or mouth-watering French fries who can say no?
How would your life be if you had extraordinary self-discipline?
What about altruism?
How would life be like if you felt more compassion for people, more empathy?
People who naturally don’t feel compassion will probably think that feeling compassion is a sign of weakness. That it opens you up to be abused and taken advantage of. On the contrary, compassion stems from a source of strength stronger than all the violence in the world. To reserve judgment, to reserve hate, to attempt to understand others, and extend understanding…indeed how different would your life be, how successful?
What about self-esteem? In every endeavor you embraced how would it turn out if you felt that heart swelling that overwhelms you when you’re filled with brimming self-confidence? When you could take on anything, defeat anyone or anything, climb any mountain no matter how high?
Self-esteem isn’t a secret that only a few people share. But for those who have had a nurturing childhood, self-esteem comes more naturally because when you’re brought up in an environment where you’ve loved unconditionally and given structure to try and fail and encouraged to try your best, you become confident in what you accomplish.
If you grew up without nurturing then it’s up to you to re-parent yourself and give yourself the support you didn’t have growing up. Eat better not because someone's forcing you to, but because of love for yourself and knowing that it’s genuinely good for you.
Get some exercise, not for your gym teacher but to feel energy coursing through your veins and enjoy the feeling of being alive.
Smile, laugh as often as possible. And if there’s a problem embrace it with all your facilities.
Which brings up the problem of falling glasses. How long has that been a problem for you? You probably think who cares, no will ever find me attractive, what does it matter to stop your glasses from slipping?
Well if you don’t like yourself no one will ever like you.
And consider why you don’t like yourself.
Because when it mattered most, when you needed it most, you weren’t liked for being just you.
You had to live up to impossible standards that kept changing.
Suffer no more.
Continuing to put up with slipping glasses is agreeing that you don’t deserve better. You do. For around $5 and a click of your mouse, you can start the journey to be a better you.
Keepons eyeglass retainers are engineered from industrial-strength silicone and thread over the temple tips of your glasses. Once in place, they do two things. They balance out your glasses from behind because your lenses makes the center of gravity lean forward, leading to slipping glasses. Keepons balances out the weight.
More importantly Keepons gently wrap around your ears and behave like hooks which stop slipping glasses. Don’t wait anymore. You don’t deserve to continue suffering. Get your Keepons eyewear retainers today.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Keepons eyewear retainers, a videogamer’s secret weapon
You’re in the middle of your favorite game be it Counterstrike, Starcraft, or maybe you’re just going head to head with your girlfriend on Dr Mario on the Nintendo Wii. It’s always happens the same way.
You’re really into the offensive, your senses fully alert. Both hands on the console and you notice it. Imperceptibly at first, but then it starts to snowball. Your glasses begin to slide down your nose. It’s no big deal but yes it kinda is. It’s distracting and you’re not able to play at your max. So deep down in your subconscious you’ve already started to weigh the decision.
Do I lift one hand? Do I take it away from gaming for just a split second? You decide not to and instead try to push up your glasses with the back of your hand so you can keep both hands on the controller. But that doesn’t work. It just knocks your glasses to the side and now their crooked on your face.
Finally seeing gets so bad, that you go for it when you see a window in the action. You take your left hand off the joystick, lift your glasses and then get back into it…but nooooooooooooooooo! It’s too late, that split second is all it took for the enemy to create a hole in your head the size of a grapefruit.
You watch your character on screen lie there in a hopeless heap.

What do you continue to underperform in gaming like this when there is a simple and inexpensive and effective solution? It’s called Keepons eyeglass retainers and it’s available from a site called, yeah chamightlike sounds like you might like. It’s a play on words.
Anyway Keepons come in a pair. They’re these engineered pieces of silicone which thread onto your temple tips and act like hooks to comfortable wrap around your ears. What this does is keep your eyeglasses from slipping so you can game at your best. Or you could continue gaming lamely.
The choice is yours. If you order Keepons, you’ll only have to pay around $5 depending on the model you choose. Shipping and a tracking number is free so you can always track where your package is.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Keepons Eyeglass Retainer Review: What it feels like to use Keepons eyeglass retainers for the first time
With the tracking number you’ve been able to confirm when it left Hong Kong and when it arrived in the USA where you are.
They arrived in a bubble manila envelope. On the front is your address and behind is the return address should the package have been undeliverable. It’s a Hong Kong address.
You open the package and inside is a folded piece of paper with what is obviously your Keepons inside. You unfold the piece of paper and in the center of it is written, “Hi Mary, Thank you. Mike@chamightlike”. It is handwritten and there is a smiley face.
The Keepons are in a small plastic baggie. The ones you ordered are the Keepons original clear. You open the baggie and take out your Keepons. You hold them in your hand. They are light but feel incredibly solid. Like something engineered. Like something space age. Like something from the future.
You hold them up to the sunlight. The sun filters through the Keepons with ease creating a warm glow. They are transparent and cool to the touch. There is a narrow tunnel running through the center of it. This is where the temple tips thread through.
You have in your hand, the solution to your problems, but you hesitate. You’ve been dealing with slipping glasses for so long now that you can hardly believe that you’re on the threshold of being free.
Like someone sitting on the bed in their cell. Looking out as the cell door slides open. You’ve been in here so long that outside, freedom, it seems unreal. Somewhere a bell rings. You hear the sound of laughter, children playing, off in the distance.
This is a nice day. To be free.
You are still for some moments and then you come back to the present. You remove your glasses and hold them in your left hand. You take up one of the Keepons in your right hand. And you thread the left temple tip into the Keepons. The temple tips makes it into the aperture easily. But then it’s difficult to thread them through. All your pushing and it only goes in a little way.
Then you remember watching the videos. You’re not supposed to push. You’re supposed to twist. So you do and within seconds, the Keepons is where it should be. In the curve of your temple tips.
So put on the right Keepons. There it’s done. Now for the true test. The wearing test. As you lift your glasses up to your face, the feeling of doubt crosses you mind.
You place them on your head and there it is. That feeling of…freedom.

The glasses sit squarely on your ears. You shake your head. You look down. You look up. You stand up. You jump. Your eyeglasses are where you placed them. Square on your head. It’s incredible to think that two pieces of silicone could have this much effect.
But then you are reminded it’s the little things. Nails. Hinges. Keys. That open the doors to change that transform lives.
You’re so happy you can barely contain your joy.
You go online and order another pair to be sent to your kid brother.
Love rules.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Sweating causing glasses to slip down nose, Keepons keeps them up
And while medical professionals certainly don't put Hyperhidrosis on the same severity scale as deadly diseases like Cancer or AIDS, Hyperhidrosis does have one quality about it that makes it quite horrifying to those who suffer from it. When you have Hyperhidrosis, your worst fears are realized.
For normal people, fear is a phantom without substance. But people with Hyperhidrosis live with the embarassment associated with appearing drenched or dripping wet and this causes them to fear sweating. This fear makes them sweat more. The more they sweat, the worse their fear and on and on goes this positive loop or vicious spiralling effect. In fact, it's not just worst fears realized, it's worst fears compounded with every iteration until daily living becomes frought with anxiety to the point of depression or worse.
Now for eyeglass wearers suffering from Hyperhidrosis, pushing up their slipping eyeglasses is a full-time occupation. Your face is moist to the point of sweat drenched, your hair is damp like you walked in from the rain, and your nose is bubbly with beads of sweat. And this makes the materials of your eyeglass frames slippery. Metal especially the electroplated kind in most eyeglasses or plastic frames become more slippery than a themepark waterslide in the presence of sweat.

As a solution, Hyperhidrosis sufferers can find relief from eyeglass slipping with the use of Keepons eyeglass retainers. These engineered silicone attachments thread over your temple tips to hook gently around your ears. This not only balances the front heavy lenses, but they also stop forward movement of your entire eyeglass frame. The result is that your eyeglasses don't slip, you feel better, you sweat less, you fear less, and the vicious cycle of sweat fearing is actually reversed.
Don't hesitate any further, get your Keepons eyeglass retainers right away and stop slipping glasses due to the excessive sweating associated with Hyperhidrosis.