Eyeglasses are definitely a part of any fashion strategy and the way some brand name eyeglasses and sunglasses are priced, it would seem that many people (demand economy) agree.
But today I’d like to offer some analysis into this little explored area of fashion.
Fashion glasses can easily cost upwards of five hundred to a thousand dollars when all is added up at the end of the day, and for what purpose?
The purpose of course is that when you meet someone you want to make a good first impression and when a person looks at your face, your eyeglasses if they’re stylish helps them form a positive impression of you. And the corollary is that cheap glasses help others form a negative impression of you.
Fashion eyeglass wearers know this and that’s why so much is spent on luxury glasses.
But consider this. Despite their price tag, luxury glasses are designed and built the same way as ordinary glasses: there are three contact points by which the glasses (fashion or otherwise) sit on your head. They are the contact points on your left and right ear as well as your nose.
And if you think about it for a moment you’ll agree that there’s nothing at these three locations to hold your glasses in place. It’s not like your head is covered with Velcro and the eyeglass frames are also covered in Velcro so by extension when the two are brought together there is adhesion.
Why is this important? Consider for example the kangaroo. Kangaroos have pouches on their bodies to hold their young, which suggest that kangaroos from an evolutionary standpoint were designed to carry their young.
But nothing on our heads suggests that we were meant to wear glasses. And that’s why glasses always slip down your nose. Our heads aren’t built to prevent glasses from slipping.
Anatomically, the ears are higher than the nose bridge and so one’s glasses slant downwards. And even the slightest sweat or oil on one’s nose will cause eyeglass slipping.
What’s more, let us now turn our attention to the design of your glasses. They are heavier in front than in the back because your lenses are up front. This is especially true if you have glass lenses as opposed to lighter plastic lenses.

All this contributes to falling glasses.
And no matter what optometrists do to adjust the frames or temple tips, it doesn’t change the fact that with the slightest bit of perspiration our glasses will slide causing no end of frustration.
Now back to your really expensive fashion glasses. You’ve spent all that money to look good, but how good do you look when your glasses are slipping down your face? It’s like money wasted.
But now there’s a solution. Consider Keepons eyewear retainers. These wonderful attachments are made of allergy-free rubber and slide over the temples of your eyeglass frames. Once in place they act like comfortable hooks over your ears to prevent your glasses from sliding down your nose. As a result, because you spent a million bucks on your luxury glasses and you look like a million bucks.

Keepons are small and effective, and their made of transparent material so no one will notice you’re wearing them.
Get your Keepons anti-slip eyeglass slipper fixers today.
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